by Kathryn Calhoun | Jun 7, 2022 | Copywriting Tips
Copywriting ideas don’t always come easily to entrepreneurs… In fact, most people in my community say that copywriting is hard for them… which is tricky because if you want to attract your ideal clients, there’s simply no way around the...
by Kathryn Calhoun | Apr 25, 2022 | Techie Stuff
This post was originally written in 2017, has been updated several times, and now is updated again to reflect the latest changes with Zoom vs. WebinarJam. “Which is the best webinar tool?” I get asked this question a lot. If you have ever felt overwhelmed...
by Kathryn Calhoun | Aug 4, 2021 | Stress-Free Selling
Let me say straight off that I almost never like discovery calls and therefore almost never do them… If you don’t know what a discovery call is, here’s a quick non-dictionary and definitely non-popular definition: Discovery calls (aka sales calls aka...
by Kathryn Calhoun | Sep 14, 2019 | Life Lessons
So… ever heard of egg beater brain? This is the term my mindset coach Martha Wilson uses to describe those times when you’re trying to tick stuff off the to-do list… Trying to do what you’re SUPPOSED to be doing… And your brain goes into “egg beater mode”...
by Kathryn Calhoun | Aug 25, 2019 | Life Lessons
Mea culpa. I know I haven’t been in touch a ton lately, and I’m sorry. I promised you’d hear from me about easy ways to grow your online business and how to grow an email list. …and I dropped the ball. You may have heard me share how I just...